Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It has been a while

Almond Milk Eggnog- Yes, we made the almond milk
Tofurkey Pre-Thanksgiving Funk!
Garlic Butternut Squash Soup with Coriander
Pumpkin sauce pasta           

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Portabella Mushroom
Sauteed with Worcester sauce and red wine

Share Food

Post Pizza Uphoria
Pizza toppings included: red sauce, fresh basil, tomato,
bell pepper, onion, garlic, mushroom, and goat cheese

Pancake Breakfast
Beer Pancakes
The beer used was a apricot ale!

Mash It

avocado, lemon, lime, onion, tomato

Monday, October 4, 2010


Jalepeno Salsa
Pickled Beets
Cooked with mustard seed, onion and cinnamon

Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Food

Squash Pancake
Zucchini, yellow squash, onion, garlic puree
added to whole wheat flour, salt and pepper. Cooked in olive oil.
Corn Salad Inspiration
Corn, black beans, onion, garlic, zuchinni, yellow squash,
green bell pepper, tomato, celentro, cumin, salt, green salsa, olive oil

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer Food

My Favorite Zucchini Dish
 Zucchini sauteed with garlic over brown rice and topped with feta.
No Leafy Green Salad
Grated cucumber and yellow squash, chopped onion, yellow and red tomatoes, fresh dill, avocado and plum.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Summer Salads

Greek Salad w/ Humus Balsamic Dressing
Potato Salad
(For those that enjoy potatoes salad without mayo)
Ingredients: Potato (standard and blue used above), Garlic, Onion, Vegetables
(Zucchini, yellow squash, purple beans, bell pepper, cucumber all used above),
Fresh herbs and Dressing (Italian used above)
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Beginners Luck

The first experiment was inspired from a book called deceptively delicious. The base was a oatmeal cookie. To this recipe banana and zucchini puree were added in place of eggs. Cranberries were also a fantastic addition to this mixture. The cookies, when finished, were a bit reminiscent of zucchini bread but were AMAZING!
Local produce in community vegetable gardens is glorious this month. Zucchini, green beans, and crook neck yellow squash add color to the daily menu.
Color Red: Spaghetti with yellow squash, garlic and fresh basil was another recent culinary success.
Color Black: A delight and Beth's favorite this week, was banana bread with black berries and cauliflower puree! The challenge became guessing what ingredients were in the bread. Healthy food taste so good!
Color Brown: However, the peanut butter cookies were a bit too healthy. It was determined that quartering this recipe's sugar amount was a bit too drastic. The peanut butter bomb however good was "meant to be a cookie and therefore by definition should not be healthy."
Color Green: Bake squash was the inspiration for this dish. After cutting in half and baking an eight ball zucchini, the "guts" were then combined with tomatoes, garlic, onion, green pepper, olives, feta, one egg, fresh dill, salt and pepper. This was then spooned back into the center of the half domes and baked again. Completed it was a coloful DELIGHT!
Taste the colors of the rainbow... well, kinda, sorta.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Test of Food

When people that enjoy cooking live together, food happens. (Not to be confused with the everyday peanut butter and jelly either.)
The following blog notes will tell of cooking experiments by Ladies of the Lodge and their endervors in the kitchen. The rules that we will follow are determined more by our personalities. We are not vegitarian though we may appear to be by our appreciation of vegitables. Recipes are suggestions rather that strict rules to be obeyed. And to the best of my ability I will not ruin a recipe in my attempt to make it healthy... Heck, it might even improve it!
Cheers to a new house and adventures cooking within it's walls!