Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It has been a while

Almond Milk Eggnog- Yes, we made the almond milk
Tofurkey Pre-Thanksgiving Funk!
Garlic Butternut Squash Soup with Coriander
Pumpkin sauce pasta           

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Portabella Mushroom
Sauteed with Worcester sauce and red wine

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Post Pizza Uphoria
Pizza toppings included: red sauce, fresh basil, tomato,
bell pepper, onion, garlic, mushroom, and goat cheese

Pancake Breakfast
Beer Pancakes
The beer used was a apricot ale!

Mash It

avocado, lemon, lime, onion, tomato

Monday, October 4, 2010


Jalepeno Salsa
Pickled Beets
Cooked with mustard seed, onion and cinnamon

Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Food

Squash Pancake
Zucchini, yellow squash, onion, garlic puree
added to whole wheat flour, salt and pepper. Cooked in olive oil.
Corn Salad Inspiration
Corn, black beans, onion, garlic, zuchinni, yellow squash,
green bell pepper, tomato, celentro, cumin, salt, green salsa, olive oil